Active environment and nature protection
In specific areas an above average number of migratory birds dies by hitting the earthing cables of power lines because they are not able to detect this single cable. Nature protection associations and energy suppliers started in 2005 to reduce this risk for the birds by installing better visible markers.
These black/white flattering devices, the so-called "bird protection markers" are installed into the earthing cable every 25 meters and increase the visibility of the cables. The mortality rate has been reduced by 90% in average.
Advantages of the Helicopter bird protection
- Fast installation (apprx. 2-3 min per marker)
- Regardless of terrain
- Powercut not required
- No crop damage by vehicles
- Minimizing damages to migratory birds
Video bird protection
Bird protection on Ökosee in Dillingen/Saar
- Client: VSE Gruppe
- Description: Zum Schutz der Vögel montierte heute die VSE Verteilnetz in Kooperation mit dem Naturschutzbund Saarlouis/Dillingen an der 110-kV-Freileitung, die zwischen Dillingen und Rehlingen über den See führt, spezielle Markierungen, die die Vögel von den Leitungen fernhalten sollen.
Impressions bird protection